Pre-op Instructions
Preparing for your surgery
Your surgery and outcome is very important to us! In an effort to make sure that everything goes smoothly and you are able to focus on your recovery, we want to you to be aware of a few key things.
Please read below for general pre-operation guidelines.
The hospital where your surgery will take place will contact you before your surgery date to discuss specific instructions. Please keep reading below for general pre-operative instructions.
One week (7 days) before your surgery date you must stop:
Anti-inflammatory medications including Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aleve, Fish Oil and multivitamins that include Vitamin E.
Blood thinning medication such as Plavix, Coumadin, & Pradaxa. Please stop these medications under the close supervision of your primary care doctor.
Herbal Supplements
The night before your surgery:
Do not eat or drink 8 hours prior to surgery - including all solid food, candy, gum and mints; all liquids including water, coffee, tea, soda, juice
In most cases, the night before your surgery, your anesthesia provider will contact you to review your medical history and medications. They will then provide you specific instructions for the day of surgery.
The morning of your surgery:
Do not drink water 4 hours prior to your surgery. Do not drink water within 4 hours of your surgery unless you are drinking a sip of water with approved oral medication.
You should bathe or shower as normal using hibiclens. Do not apply any lotions or creams afterward. Using lotions, creams, oils can reduce the effectiveness of your shower and antibacterial soap. Following these guidelines helps to reduce the risk of surgical infection. You are able to take the medications you were instructed to take with only a sip of water.
Things to bring to the hospital/surgery center on the day of your surgery:
Your insurance card and photo ID
Comfortable and loose clothing
Case for storing your glasses, dentures, hearing aids, etc.
A list of your current medications
A list of questions
A friend or family member!
Things to leave at home:
All valuable items, including jewelry (wedding bands and body piercings), money, credit cards
Leave contact lenses at home and wear your glasses instead. It is a good idea to bring a glasses case to store your glasses in while you are in surgery.
Other things to consider before your surgery date:
Prepare your home before your surgery so everything you think you will need can be easily reached. Remember in most cases you are restricted from bending, lifting and twisting. Remove all potential trip hazards and obstacles including electric cords. Use a non-slip bath mat in your bathtub or shower. Do you have someone designated to help care for you after surgery? If you live alone, can you arrange someone to temporarily stay with you to help you if needed?
Arrange for transportation to and from the hospital or surgery center.
Common questions:
What needs to take place before I can be scheduled for surgery?
You will need an evaluation by CBSI, have appropriate labs and imaging done, and obtain clearance from your Primary Care Provider (PCP) in order to schedule surgery.
We will schedule your surgery with the appropriate hospital/surgery center and will get approval from your insurance provider.
The facility where your surgery will take place will contact you and provide you with more specific instructions prior to your surgery.
Can my surgery be cancelled or rescheduled?
Your surgery will be CANCELLED AND RESCHEDULED under the following conditions:
1. Medical Clearance Not Received: Your health and safety are our top priorities. Surgery requires medical clearance from your healthcare providers to proceed. If we do not receive this clearance by the specified deadline, your surgery will be cancelled and rescheduled for a later date when all medical criteria are met.
2. Insurance Authorization Not Secured: Insurance authorization is a prerequisite for many surgical procedures. If authorization from your insurance company is not obtained before the day of your surgery, we will need to cancel and reschedule the surgery for a time when authorization has been confirmed.
3. Surgery Pre-Payments Not Paid in Full: Your patient responsibility estimate must be paid at least 2 weeks prior to your surgery date. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the cancellation and rescheduling of your surgery.
Have Other Questions About Scheduling Your Surgery?
Send an email to surgery@cbsi.md* or call 303-783-8844 and select option 4.
*By sending an email to CBSI, you are giving consent to receive communication via email from CBSI.